Thursday, November 24, 2016


It’s that time of year again when I put my etsy shop into Holiday mode.  Now’s the time to grab those pieces and enjoy the extra savings.  I have been busy lately creating several simpler pieces with lower price points to ease the wallet during this holiday pinch.  For a limited time, my entire etsy shop will be on sale.  All items are marked down 15%.  Take advantage of the savings while they last!  Stop in today ( and look around.  See you there! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


It’s been a while since I’ve updated my etsy shop with anything new.  I really feel like I’ve dropped the ball this year.  It’s not that I meant to, but sometimes life just takes over. 
While in Los Angeles recently I decided to start stocking up on some beading supplies. When I hit the jewelry district and ran across these beautiful Amazonite beads, I knew I HAD to get them. Since summer is right around the corner, I decided on replicating my most popular design into a fresh crisp, summertime color pattern.  That’s when this necklace was born.
From time to time I like to just research the stones I use.  Upon researching a little bit about the Amazonite stone I ran across what some believe it means. Apparently it’s a stone of truth, honor, communication, integrity and hope.  The word HOPE jumped off the page at me.  It is a word that has become a cornerstone focus in my personal life the last couple of years. It brought Hebrews 6:19 - Hope Anchors the soul - to my mind. Hope is probably the single most important factor in life.  Without hope, we truly have nothing. It is something to cling to and preserve when times are difficult.  Some days having hope in what God has promised us is the only way to make it through.  It is my desire that this piece can bring comfort to those who wear it by giving them the simple reminder of the hope we may have in Gods promises.  
This necklace is now available in my etsy shop ( I also have a version made in bronze as well.  Feel free to stop in and take a look around. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Live, Laugh, Love AFTER Valentines Day!

Ok so I apologize I’m far behind here with everything!!!  I’ve been super busy with work. I haven’t even had a chance to write about it OR my poor etsy shop. 
SOOOO it’s after Valentines Day. I decided I’m doing this one for the ladies. You know who you are:  You’re the one that had it slammed in your face that it was Valentines Day, or as I like to call it: Single Awareness Day. Now that you’ve had the chance to hit those after Valentines Day clearance aisles to pick up that chocolate you didn’t receive as a gift and have probably have indulged in that whole box by now reminding yourself with every bite how much more satisfying chocolate is than a man anyway.  No headache, no drama just plain sweet and oh so delicious. But now you’re back to square one - Still single with more gym time on the brain. 
AND of course I can’t forget about my sisters on the other side of the fence either, cause I've been there too.  You know those ladies out there who might have someone and well, things aren’t quite what they should be. Whether it’s the best of mediocrity, or man drama 24/7 OR a guy who just lacks creativity in the gift giving department making Valentines Day a dud anyway: This sale is for you!   It’s time to shake off bad reminders and just have a little fun! I’ve decided to put my entire etsy shop on SALE. (Here’s a link to the shop: Now is the time to get a little treat for yourself!!!! I’m calling it my LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE after Valentines Day SALE. For a short time SAVE 15% off all items in my shop!
LIVE your life and indulge cause you deserve it. LAUGH because laughter is good for the soul and LOVE yourself because you were created by God to be the beautiful soul you are. This is just a reminder for the ladies, no matter what chapter of life you are in, don’t ever let someone else dictate the way you value yourself.  All good things happen in God’s perfect time. No point in rushing things. Embrace the blessings you have and make the most of what today has to offer. Patience is key.  I truly believe it.      

Friday, January 22, 2016

Ontario California!

Really wanted to see my dog on this visit to Southern California; I certainly had the time but for the first time ever my ex denied me visitation during my window of downtime.  Heartbroken as I was, I decided to get out and explore Ontario the best I could.  I’ve always been through this city but have never really spent much time here.
Decided to take a long walk and that walk ended up being a little longer than planned.  Sidewalks ended when they probably shouldn’t have.  Roads that were on maps weren’t there anymore due to construction.  To make a long story short I ended up walking all the way to Rancho Cucamonga in a extra long detour. 
Saw a park on the map and decided to check it out.  Got there only to learn that there is an entrance fee. I would’ve had no problem paying it if the park had a back gate so I could continue my walk, but it didn’t, so I passed on entering the park.  Maybe next time.  Looked like a beautiful place.  I continued on and discovered Founders Garden outside the Citizens Business Bank Arena.  It was so peaceful and serene.  Then I ended up at the Ontario Mills Outlet Mall.  At that point I had to do a complete recheck on what state I was in. The mall is IDENTICAL to the Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, Texas!!! 
Exploring the “country” side of Los Angeles was fun. Thanks Ontario!   

The Feel of Fresno!

So ending up in Fresno wasn’t on my initial plans for New Years Day.  Work called and next thing I know, this was the destination I was headed to.  Flying in, we had a gorgeous view of the Sierra Nevada’s and I must say from talking to people and asking them what there is to do in Fresno, visiting Yosemite is probably one of the only things worthwhile on the bucket list there though I’m determined on future visits to figure out what the city truly offers.
I’ll be honest and many will probably hate me for saying it.  Fresno has been one of the most saddest cities I’ve visited so far in my travels. The best way that I know how to describe the Fresno I saw, is a combination of South Central, Downtown and East Los Angeles with maybe a little bit of El Monte California mixed in there meets Tulsa, Oklahoma.  I know that’s a wide swing and just sounds weird but it truly is the only way I can accurately describe the feel of Fresno.  It’s one of those places where I can see used to be filled with so much life but now what remains are boarded up windows and empty spaces for rent. I’m sure the city has a little more life than what I saw while I was there, after all I was there New Years day so things are probably slightly different.  I can see the city being such a happening place way back in the day. It’s a place that could be reborn into something great one day but for now it just has a certain mood. I can’t quite describe it. It’s almost a city in mourning of better days maybe?
Anyway, while I was there I explored the downtown area.  Noticed a lot of loitering going on. Guess that’s pretty normal for this city from what I hear.  I saw museums and historic buildings; all closed of course because of the Holiday.  However, I was able to find a few thrift shops open and got to rummage through a few racks of goodies.  Didn’t pick up anything but it was fun to see. I enjoyed seeing the architecture of Fresno.  Old buildings always fascinate me a bit. As a kid I would wander off into spaces I wasn’t supposed to go exploring old buildings in the city I grew up in. I guess there is a nostalgia of the past that I’m drawn to.  
Anyway, that is my Fresno experience this go around.  I’m sure I’ll be back one day.  Maybe next time I’ll be able to dig into this city a little deeper and figure out it’s heartbeat a little better.  Until next time Fresno......

Friday, January 8, 2016

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

So it was nice warm Fort Lauderdale for me for New Years Eve.  Saw the last sunset of 2015 as I landed and the first sunrise in 2016 as I departed.  Wasn’t here long but just long enough to have a evening with some co-workers and later spend some time next to the hotel pool and enjoy some warm evening temperatures. I’m not a fan of cold so this was a nice quiet way to bring in the new year. Don’t know what 2016 has in store for me.  Hoping it’ll be a good year.....Looking ahead and thank you Fort Lauderdale for nice winter weather.

Maybe Next time Tucson

Sometimes when I’m out on the road, I just don’t have the time to get to see much.  This visit to Tucson Arizona was one of those visits. There are also times when the loneliness of travel kicks in and this was one of those days. Here are a few snapshots I did manage to get along the way. Certainly not my best work....I’m sure I’ll be back here one day. I plan to explore then....

Not a Beach Christmas

So this year I decided to try and have a beach Christmas.  That didn’t quite turn out like I planned.  I ended up in Orange County on Christmas Day and yes there are so many beaches nearby.  Instead I decided to take a very long walk to the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve in Newport Beach.  Got there right about sunset so I wasn’t able to enjoy much of it.  These short winter days are killing me!! Think I could’ve walked for miles down the path. If I ever get back here I’m certainly going to explore more. This is a new corner of Orange County I had not known existed and I lived in Southern California for 12 years. It was nice to experience a little nature in the city....

A Portland Christmas Eve

Landed in Portland on Christmas Eve and took the train into downtown to see what there was to do.  Hit the Saturday Market for the last time in 2015. Didn’t realize it closes for several months out of the year. Turns out it won’t reopen until sometime later in 2016. It was fun looking at all the handmade goodies people were swooping up as last minute Christmas Gifts.
I then wandered over to the world famous Voodoo Doughnuts. Yes there was even a line on Christmas Eve. Stopped in to just see what the hoopla was all about. Yes I bought a doughnut but nothing super fancy.  It’s cash only and I’m certainly a credit card girl. 
I then took a walk up the street to check out Powells Books and then finished this downtown Portland tour with a stop in at Deschutes Brewery.  It was cold. It was rainy but not as bad as my previous visit.  I’m still not even close to being done exploring Portland. Until next time Portland.....