Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fall in Calgary!

Fall in Calgary!

When I landed in Calgary, Canada this week and stepped one foot outside the airport, there was no doubt summer has said it’s final goodbye and fall is most certainly here.  I knew it’s that time of year where the leaves start to turn so I was excited to see the city and see how fall had colored it’s trees.  
Woke up to a view of downtown with a sleepy sunrise sky.  Made my way down to the train station later in the morning and took the train into the downtown area.  Walked passed the head in the street; had to grab a shot of such unique artwork.  Passed through Chinatown and onto the waterfront park.  Ended up grabbing a bite to eat in a little place called 1886 Cafe and tried their version of Eggs Benedict.  It was quite good or maybe I was quite hungry!  Don’t think I was thinking normally because the normal me would’ve opted to ask for fruit in place of the potatoes although the potatoes there were quite delicious.  Ran across the street to try some coffee and found a humorous coffee sign about happiness that any coffee drinker can agree with.
I then made my way back up the water front taking in as much as the city as I could and enjoying nature and it’s fall colors before hopping on a train back outside of downtown.  I hope to see Calgary again. Next time I may take a little longer to explore the unique art of the city.  There was so much to see for a few short hours, it was a little overwhelming.  Let’s see how long it takes to land here again....Until next time Calgary......
Downtown Calgary, Canada  

Head in the street artwork - Calgary, Canada

Fall Colors - Calgary, Canada

Downtown Calgary

Coffee humor

Calgary, Canada

Fall Colors

Fall Colors - Downtown Calgary, Canada

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