Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Early Morning Travel - Orlando, FL

So this past weekend I had a real quick stop into Orlando, Florida.  Landed when it was dark and left when it was still dark.  Didn’t see a drop of the city itself, just the inside of a hotel room and the back of my eyelids as I caught a few hours of sleep.  I have to say though, one of my favorite time of day to travel is those early morning hours.  I know it seems weird being that you have to sometimes wake up in what feels like the middle of the night just to make your flight on time and all you want to do is go right back to sleep, but traveling at that hour has it’s benefits. First off, if you’re living in a large city with rush hour traffic, you will have none getting to the airport at a really early hour, so it’s easy to get there on time if you don’t in fact hit the snooze button and oversleep. Parking is usually easier too. Then there is the airport itself. There is just a quiet peace about it. A place that you can often get lost in during the middle of the day, is suddenly calm and empty. Fellow passengers are half asleep so they too are just in a peaceful quiet state as well. They haven’t been up all day so they aren’t quite crabby and upset yet from the day’s drama, though some do occasionally wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  The plane is likely to be on time because if you’re on the first flight out, it’s just sitting parked at the gate and ready to go. The only downside really is that extra long coffee line you wait in, inside the terminal. Anyway that’s my opinion about early morning travel. Grabbed a few shots of the Orlando airport and early morning travelers to share with you. One of these days I’ll actually see Orlando in the daylight again.  It’s been about 24 years, so it’s about time.   

MCO early morning

Orlando Airport 

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